Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Part 2.
I am at my flat, running circles in my front room hall, doing crutches, sit ups and push ups....trying hard to pull in, my bloated tummy. Like any 21st centruy office goer, i too crave for a slim Obama like structure, where there wont be any bump above the belt.
So, the theme here is "Health is Wealth". Somebody greatly said "one who cannot spare 40 minutes a day of his youth to health, will waste 40 thousands every year of his post 40 wealth".
We gotta blame our age for this. The mind inside at this age for anyone with open eyes is a complete medley. We want do everything from work to work out to socialize in real as well as virtual and the list grows on. Though we hardly do anything of these to our heart's satisfaction.

The point here is why are we so resistive to physical exertion? Why do we prefer elevators to stairs even for a single floor? Why do we opt a vehicle instead of strolling to nearby vendor?
As kids, nothing on earth would shatter our willingness to wreck hell with the neighboring lads. Scorching sun, flooding rains, teeth gobbling winters, absolutely nothing bothered our spirits to play out. The need thus is to wake up that kid inside, go around and sport! Go pick up a bicycle, face the wind, soak in the rain, sweat it out, shun boredom and stop being a couch-potato. If nothing else, play with a dog! A healthy mind is the best partner to the wealthy kind.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Millionaire or Happionaire?

The Beginning.

The quest to become rich never died in me (atleast ever since I started working). When I started off the search to making wealth, I used to feel that owning a physical space and necessary infrastructure is the bare minimum to start the journey. Though, the setup could never be erected, but the quest continued and so the studies kept following.

But what I wanted to share with you all here right now is the book that I came across “Invest the Happionaire way” by Yogesh Chabria. You have to read this if you are the ignorant types (like I was till I read this). This blog you are visiting is a direct outcome of the blows I took from his thoughts. Am not saying that this is my way of starting the journey to wealth, but this surely is a way to connect to like-minded people to share ideas and thoughts that bubble every day within my head. And that sure is going to teach me lessons I need for treading the journey.

Yogesh is the only reason, why I have started investing my hard earned money into stock market. Whether its making me rich or not, it surely is making me smile. Don’t want to fade the effect here, just go ahead and read it. You gotcha own it and everytime you re-read, its going to make you smile broader (as he wishes :)

Happy Reading Folks.