Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its a free fall

How good are you at grabbing while on a vehicle? No, tell me seriously. How good are you? Say, you are on a bike at the pillion's seat and have both hands free and the bike is moving fast across some shrubs. How many leaves can you pluck in that motion without hurting yourself? Now, if you happen to see a flower reaching you in that motion, how good are you at grabbing that flower? Most of us would say "not that good, but ya! not bad either. I can grab atleast 3-4 handful of leaves and thorns and may be 1-2 flowers too."

Why am driving you nuts with this imagination is because your life too is a similar free fall! Ya! now consider that you are not driving or nobody else is driving for you. You just jumped off a cliff (took birth) and now are under a free fall.....falling completely unobstructed and and sure that you are going to hit the ground (death). Naowwww! please visualise your life as this free fall for some time. When you are free falling through this deep valley called life (or world on materialistic terms), all that you see passing through are things that you wish to own, or may be choose to let go. Fine, so far so good, whats the point then? The point is that the so called 'destiny' is nothing but sure are going to hit the ground. But, what you achieve till then is your choise, your capability to grab while on the free fall. Seems difficult? Yes it is. Your every move, every breath, every fight to stretch your arms a bit more will matter, whether you are going to grab that beautiful flower or not.

Thats not the bitter part yet. The bitter part is that your pains of missing some flower that you just missed is the going to take your eyes off the next flower reaching you. Am I talking too difficult to understand? :) Well, simply said.....when you dwell in the sorrow of something that you lost recently in your life, each upcoming beautiful moment or reward which are available to you seems blurred. Your visibility to recognise them reduces, you fail to differentiate flower from leaves (ohh! sorry) fail to differentiate the happiness you deserve from the irrelevant distractions that keep you dull. When you are in that free fall and you know that everything that is passing by you is not going to repeat, then you cant afford to miss another flower in disappointment of the one you lost just a second ago.

Look forward, dont let your eyes get wet to blurr your vision. They (the eyes) are not meant to be kept wet with sorrow. God left you with 2 of them only to make you capable to see all around during that free fall. Each of your perception to all the moments/ oppertunities/ things/ offerings/ proposals coming your way are gateway to better vision and a lighter heart. You have to neglect and throw away every thorn you pricked in attempt to grab a flower and be glad for all other leaves and petals you could snatch!

See guys! its simple. You got only one life. And every single day passing by is too precious. Extremely precious! You have tens of or even hundreds of people around you who look upto an example to live a better life. Either keep yourself happy and merry and be a good example better know! U find that as difficult to realise? Dont dare say no. Keep everything aside, just concentrate on one thing "how to keep yourself happy? what makes you happy?" Do it. And give an ear to those coming to you with a bruised heart, they too will be happy meeting a cheerful person like you. See? your world is now a happy one :) Fine enough, you may ask then that what has all this got to do with 'getting rich' (which is the theme of this blog)? right? Comeon yaar! whats the use of being rich if you cant be happy for what you have at hands? :D A happy being can attract all sort of good and great things . So its your call.... wakeup everyday and say to yourself "am going to live another great day of my life". What say? :) Feeling richer now?! :D

Friday, March 19, 2010

How scared beings!?

You see? I am a scared shit. There is no count of how many things I am scared of. Scared of losing my sweetheart, of waking up broke one day, of losing my friends, of misunderstandings, of fallen hopes, of accidents, of ghosts, of separated ways, of heated arguments, of hurting myself, of death and soooooooo on! So what? We all are a scared shit! Thats OK baby! I know you are nodding in denial. That tells that you are living up to your courage. Bcoz you have people looking up to you....your kids, beloved ones, fans, colleagues, family and you are scared of disappointing them. But you are scared for heaven's sake. You know what drives all this? Its the most falsely overused word:: LOVE.

Your love to own something and living up to it, makes the world go round. You make or break, thats Love. You chose or reject, thats love. You live it or curse it, thats love. There lies the point! Did it ever happen to you, that you did something and turned around and joined arms and said "i loved doing this"? Have you? If yes, you know the feeling am talking about. Guys! you have to keep that spirit up. Its difficult, i know. Its really annoying to keep your mind reminding "boy! you have to love doing this". But thats it! thats the way you should. Visualise something, hope that it will happen, work to get that thing done, do your best to feel good about it and smile! Turn around and say "i loved doing it". You will love yourself for being able to do that...belive me! Its an awesome feeling that you can brighten up a moment and spread cheers bragging about it ;)

Hmmm. So, lets reach a conjunction. Its not important that we are scared, but its important to know what all are we scared about and do something about it which you would love doing again and again! Say for e.g. I am scared that I may spend all my life doing my current job, while to me, that job sucks! So what do I do? I gotcha find a supporting job that would save my energies and make me love myself for being able to do it……in the name of LOVE! :D I see you smiling. No? Comeon try! You can! :)

OK, so rising up everyday to do all those things that you have to do (that you dare cant escape), but may be you are tired of doing, deserves its share of love. Next time you do a job, try to impress yourself. Its not going to be easy, but you’ll love it if you can do so. For me, everyday I go to job, I feel scared that am losing my charm of what I am good at. The love towards that charm, that beholds in the eyes of my colleagues around keeps me driving. And keeps you driving. And a million others like us keeps the world driving. Want to see a better tomorrow? You know what to do next :)

This time, hold your spouse a little more closer tonight. Tell your children that they are the best things you own. Cook a meal thinking that your dependants love the way you cook and are ready to kill for that meal! Wear that dress saying “am going to drive him/her nuts today”. Go to work believing that you are million times better than the one who won the award last time.

Once you start living this life…..its OK to be scared that you are running out of time :) Your realization of every day being precious starts pouring in. There is too little time to be scared about, there is too little time to love enough, to share all that love that your heart beholds…..its endless, its seamless, it knows no limits! Open up. Share your scares with your loved ones and take an oath to make things better. Take things as they come and live it up. Let heaven applaud your efforts when you go up there :) Are you scared now? I hear you say NO! Good! :D

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Losing Focus

Its been quite some time since i have been thinking of coming back here and continuing from where i left. Big sorry for the gap, but will have to commit that it was very much required. All this while what happened was that i was wandering in the "world of lost focus". Yup! it sounds silly, but thats what happened to me, thats what happens to everyone among us. For the sake of saying...we are working our best on whatever comes to us, but if you can peep deep enough into yourself, you'l agree that you are almost lost everyday...being at work and as well as when you are out from it. Company of like minded people, is perhaps the only place where you are yourself, where you relax speaking and working your mind. When you are in such an environment, you are in complete peace with your head, your mind is bubbling with ideas, and you have solutions to all problems (or atleast most of them)...coz thats only when your mind stays focused.

At such a time, when you speak about an idea that u think is great, perhaps thats the idea, the thought, you want to work on, for the rest of your lives. Most times, that is the ultimate desire you want to fulfill, the only place where you want to invest your best efforts.

Today, I'll talk about training ourselves to come that point, recognising and reaching the focus point. Where to start? Lemme start with my journey for the duration i've been disconnected with you all. From quite a long i knew that, what i was doing professionally is not what i'm made for. I had a dream of building up a Lounge of my own. I used to picturise everything about it day in and night out....the place, the interiors, the furniture, the colors around, the cuisine, the crockery, the music, lightings and what not. I'm still engulfed by a huge smile as am writing these lines. But guess what, you dont go about it just like that. I cannot leave my day job and become a bartender somewhere to learn the basics of restaurant business. I had to first convince myself about the plan, then my friends and family...then only could i take the first step. As they say "if you cant sell your idea to your family n friends, then its not going to be successful outside either". So, how do i go about making myself sure about the thought thats eating my energies every single hour?

I started looking for people who have made it big on their own (my begining stage). I started reading all kinds of newspapers, online articles, business books, autobiographies of successful men and so on. I never stopped. I looked for ideas, how people decided to do something, how they gathered the initial knowledge required and the investments, how they went about convincing themselves and the world around about their decisions, how bad mistakes they made, how huge risks they took, how badly they got burned, how they recovered their failures and losses and so on....everything about starting and maintaining a difficult journey. Believe it or not, it took me one and half years of reading and interacting to find that one idea, my passion, my goal of life. It was a tough and painful wait. Towards the end of this tenure of 1.5 years, i used to ask one question to my Lord everytime "what have you made me for? what is my purpose of life oh Lord?" He kept me going in his own way of motivating me to look for the answers myself and i cooperated him, i never gave up. He
made sure that i was in complete complacence with whatever decision i would arrive at. All the brain-fusing days n nights, full of madness and dumbstruck search...took me to one target...the career that i want to pursue for the rest of my life! I found it! You seem to be happy to hear that, right? :)

Well ye! its tiring and many a times frustrating, but its worth it. The decision you arrive at should not be something about which you may someday wake up and say "i dont want to do this anymore" That would be a failure of all your efforts. Just to assist my point, lemme tell you that the goal that i found out was not to become a restaurant owner!!! I questioned one day 'lets say i made it big in restaurant business one day, i own the biggest and best lounge in town, have employed people to take care of everything. Now what? What is it that i would look upto, everyday morning when i wake up to get ready for work?' To be frank, i couldnt think further. That should not happen with anyone who aspires to have a job of his dreams.

So, the point is that you have to sit on the matter. Your head should be given an alternative treatment of 'thinking hard on the matter' and then 'completely forgetting about it'. Let your conscience gather all the raw material and then let the unconscience process it to find solid responses. Thats how it will work. During these one and half years, i thought of doing all sorts of businesses. It was crazy. I would come up with atleast one idea of the "final business" every week! Heheh. So, if you have figured out what should you do next, then let me give you one plain advice...take it or not, your wish.
Every big shot who has made a very successful career (doesent matter what business), has always stressed to "choose and engage in a business where s/he was an above average at the core". Like in my case, i had been advised time and time again that i should work in some restaurant for atleast half to one decade and then start off with my own setup, only because i have no inherent knowledge or skill of anything related to the restaurant business. What was the end result? For almost whole of those 1.5 years, i kept the thought of owning a Lounge as my ultimate goal, but varied myself to look for a better option where "i would be above average at the core" :) And one fine day, it struck me! just like that! Yup! it will happen to you too, my sweetheart! Just start off with an undying thirst to look for the answers, dont dare give up. Keep going and you'l reach that point one day when you would be expecting it the least :) Kick off champs!
Be focused!