Why am driving you nuts with this imagination is because your life too is a similar free fall! Ya! now consider that you are not driving or nobody else is driving for you. You just jumped off a cliff (took birth) and now are under a free fall.....falling completely unobstructed and and sure that you are going to hit the ground (death). Naowwww! please visualise your life as this free fall for some time. When you are free falling through this deep valley called life (or world on materialistic terms), all that you see passing through are things that you wish to own, or may be choose to let go. Fine, so far so good, whats the point then? The point is that the so called 'destiny' is nothing but death....you sure are going to hit the ground. But, what you achieve till then is your choise, your capability to grab while on the free fall. Seems difficult? Yes it is. Yo

Thats not the bitter part yet. The bitter part is that your pains of missing some flower that you just missed is the going to take your eyes off the next flower reaching you. Am I talking too difficult to understand? :) Well, simply said.....when you dwell in the sorrow of something that you lost recently in your life, each upcoming beautiful moment or reward which are available to you seems blurred. Your visibility to recognise them reduces, you fail to differentiate flower from leaves (ohh! sorry)...you fail to differentiate the happiness you deserve from the irrelevant distractions that keep you dull. When you are in that free fall and you know that everything that is passing by you is not going to repeat, then you cant afford to miss another flower in disappointment of the one you lost just a second ago.
Look forward, dont let your eyes get wet to blurr your vision. They (the eyes) are not meant to be kept wet with

See guys! its simple. You got only one life. And every single day passing by is too precious. Extremely precious! You have tens of or even hundreds of people around you who look upto you......as an example to live a better life. Either keep yourself happy and merry and be a good example or......you better know! U find that as difficult to realise? Dont dare say no. Keep everything aside, just concentrate on one thing "how to keep yourself happy? what makes you happy?" Do it. And give an ear to those coming to you with a bruised heart, they too will be happy meeting a cheerful person like you. See? your world is now a happy one :) Fine enough, you may ask then that what has all this got to do with 'getting rich' (which is the theme of this blog)? right? Comeon yaar! whats the use of being rich if you cant be happy fo