You know what guys? I just happened to reach one strange conclusion few days ago.
See, the matter is that everybody has some or the other worries as per his personal day to day life, right? I mean, like the prime minister or president will have things to worry about his nation’s security and financial progress etc. A CEO will have to worry about the hundreds or thousands of families who depend on his company; one small mistake by him may lead to bankruptcy and so many families would be affected. Any guy running a road-side stall has to worry about his daily finances, family security and things like that. A student belonging to high expecting parents has to worry about his grades whereas a student belonging to some chilled out business family would have to worry about his entrepreneurial skills or accountancy skills. And the pattern goes on.
I hope you are getting me, where I am heading to. The point here is that, any person w

If you didn’t get me, this example would clear ur doubt. Anytime, I am about how will I arrange more time to accommodate so many things that I get to read and feel are important to know. So, i dont get time to worry about anything else!
You got it now? So, you will always have worries, anyways. But matter of thought is that, how worthy our worries are? Are our worries in the direction to make our lives more worthy? more luxury filled? more entertaining? more enriched? more sexy? or what?
So the less

Since this blog is all about getting rich.....so we are hereafter entitled to be worried about only things that would make us rich, namely: business studies, domain research, fund collection ways, PR developement, our would be competitors and other such things. Believe me, nothing else on earth could then create crumples on your forehead. You are going to be as chilled out as the coolest guy on planet earth can be! So, engage yourself in worthy things and throw off all your headaches!