At such a time, when you speak about an idea that u think is great, perhaps thats the idea, the thought, you want to work on, for the rest of your lives. Most times, that is the ultimate desire you want to fulfill, the only place where you want to invest your best efforts.
Today, I'll talk about training ourselves to come that point, recognising and reaching the focus point. Where to start? Lemme start with my journey for the duration i've been disconnected with you all. From quite a long i knew that, what i was doing professionally is not what i'm

I started looking for people who have made it big on their own (my begining stage). I started reading all kinds of newspapers, online articles, business books, autobiographies of successful men and so on. I never stopped. I looked for ideas, how people decided to do something, how they gathered the initial knowledge required and the investments, how they went about convincing themselves and the world around about their decisions, how bad mistakes they made, how huge risks they took, how badly they got burned, how they recovered their failures and losses and so on....everything about starting and maintaining a difficult journey. Believe it or not, it took me one and half years of reading and interacting to find that one idea, my passion, my goal of life. It was a tough and painful wait. Towards the end of this tenure of 1.5 years, i used to ask one question to my Lord everytime "what have you made me for? what is my purpose of life oh Lord?" He kept me going in his own way of motivating me to look for the answers myself and i cooperated him, i never gave up. He

Well ye! its tiring and many a times frustrating, but its worth it. The decision you arrive at should not be something about which you may someday wake up and say "i dont want to do this anymore" That would be a failure of all your efforts. Just to assist my point, lemme tell you that the goal that i found out was not to become a restaurant owner!!! I questioned one day 'lets say i made it big in restaurant business one day, i own the biggest and best lounge in town, have employed people to take care of everything. Now what? What is it that i would look upto, everyday morning when i wake up to get ready for work?' To be frank, i couldnt think further. That should not happen with anyone who aspires to have a job of his dreams.
So, the point is that you have to sit on the matter. Your head should be given an alternative treatment of 'thinking hard on the matter' and then 'completely forgetting about it'. Let your conscience gather all the raw material and then let the unconscience process it to find solid responses. Thats how it will work. During these one and half years, i thought of doing all sorts of businesses. It was crazy. I would come up with atleast one idea of the "final business" every week! Heheh. So, if you have figured out what should you do next, then let me give you one plain advice...take it or not, your wish.
Every big shot who has made a very successful career (doesent matter what business), has always stressed to "choose and engage in a business where s/he was an above avera