OK! So, are we running slow?
I hope not atleast in our actions. Am as usual always running out of time to do things that i wish to, to study things that i need to, and to pursue the hobbies i love to spend time on. Amidst all this, just yesterday one of my very old frnds happend to ask me "dude, whats your dream business?"
Hahaha! You know what? For most of us, we are not yet sure if we have a dream of becoming a business owner, an high paid employee (in whatever proffession), dancer, photographer, singer, DJ, actor or any other fucking thing on this planet. The funny thing about the question my friend asked me is that, how the heck do I make sure if I want to be into some business......let go the dream business!
So, the food to gulp down here today is, what is it that you want to be. We will come to

Well, for me the dream is to be RICH! That simple. I want to be rich enough to visit any part of the world without giving much thought to the cost factor, without worrying much about the time availability (from official work ofcourse), without sacrificing any of my meagre luxuries of daily life (for several months to save such amounts), bla bla bla. I want be rich enough to eat and drink whatever i wish, wherever i wish and a million other things like that the general middle class cant afford that simply. Now the rest of the part......I dont know!.....if i want to be a businessman, a photographer, architect, painter or what! I am just fine with anything on the way to become rich as long as the task is not illegal! ;)
Fine enough, our homework here seems quite simple, but is a very tough one. Do you know whats the

Well sweetheart, nearly all the riches ever lived on planet earth has confessed that money can make you work till some time, but once you are comfortably rich, you will hate yourself for not doing what you love to do. If your innermost desire was to be an actor, then becoming a ultra-rich property builder would never give you the happiness we are chasing! I can hear you shouting "When i will be ultra rich, i can buy comfort for all my pains". And that my dear is going to be anything but happiness. You may become a drug-addict at best! and u will always pity yourself.