Ok, so to start with....what i saw yesterday at one of the shopping streets::
A poor boy was selling some silly pen and books. He was running after people one after another walking by. It was barely 2 mins i had penned my eye on him, a man in mid 30s stopped and took out a 500Rs (INR) note and gave it to him. Another 5 mins and some other lady stopped by to give him a 100Rs bill.
Now the obvious point here is that if people have so much to donate (apart from so much heart to be this kind), then why is the market on a free fall? Why are most bussinesses failing with every passing month. Why are we facing more trouble with spending a meagre on day to day luxury?
Amidst all this, if we are sharing a dream to become rich in this free falling market, where the hell do we head to get a kick start?....atleast a better start than this poor kid who made almost 600 bucks in less than 10mins!!??? (To ease our uncomfortability about this rocking bread earner -- each of his 10mins are not going to be this productive anyways)
Ok so, lets view it this way. The hero here (our poor kid), is cashing on the emotional quotient of the generous public. He knows his limits and his scope as well. Though this must not be taught to him, but somehow he managed to learn this from his stringent, struggling poverty.
Now if we suppose that the kid here (who was roughly 7yrs old), took about 2-3 years to learn this complete concept (out of sheer experience and discriminating atmosphere), then we too need to put in an equivalent load of time and effort. Its time to start recognising our limits and scope. Then derive the target market on which we will be encashing our efforts. And once we are convinced enough, we gotta approach our friends n buddies. Share your idea with them. Debate and try to convince the potential of our business plan. If they are ready to fund even 25% or your startup money, rest assured that your idea has the potential to kindle public interest.
As i say this, am still in the process of learning the world around along with my potentials and inhibitions. 2-3 years of preperation may seem too much if we are serious about getting rich. But the fact is, once you start the research work, your blood will boil enough to push you to kick start something you have been seriously thinking about. The beauty here is that you may fail but you will still love it. The loss if we dont start the research is, we will remain among the dreamers.....the millions and billions of people around who have an intense desire to become rich but are unable to attain even 1 percent of
what they wish to.
Gear up guys! Lets not brood on the impossibilities. Lets start with encashing on our gutts and self-belief of how good we are. As they say "If Yen can do, anyone can do and so i too can do and do it much better!"