You see? I am a scared shit. There is no count of how many things I am scared of. Scared of losing my sweetheart, of waking up broke one day, of losing my friends, of misunderstandings, of fallen hopes, of accidents, of ghosts, of separated ways, of heated arguments, of hurting myself, of death and soooooooo on! So what? We all are a scared shit! Thats OK baby! I know you are nodding in denial. That tells that you are living up to your courage. Bcoz you have people looking up to you....your kids, beloved ones, fans, colleagues, family and you are scared of disappointing them. But you are scared for heaven's sake. You know what drives all this? Its the most falsely overused word:: LOVE.
Your love to own something and living up to it, makes the world go round. You make or break, thats Love. You chose or reject, thats love. You live it or curse it, thats love. There lies the point! Did it ever happen to you, that you did something and turned around and joined arms and said "i loved doing this"? Have you? If yes, you know the feeling am talking about. Guys! you have to keep that spirit up. Its difficult, i know. Its really annoying to keep your mind reminding "boy! you have to love doing this". But thats it! thats the way you should. Visualise something, hope that it will happen, work to get that thing done, do your best to feel good about it and smile! Turn around and say "i loved doing it". You will love yourself for being able to do that...belive me! Its an awe

Hmmm. So, lets reach a conjunction. Its not important that we are scared, but its important to know what all are we scared about and do something about it which you would love doing again and again! Say for e.g. I am scared that I may spend all my life doing my current job, while to me, that job sucks! So what do I do? I gotcha find a supporting job that would save my energies and make me love myself for being able to do it……in the name of LOVE! :D I see you smiling. No? Comeon try! You can! :)
OK, so rising up everyday to do all those things that you have to do (that you dare cant escape), but may be you are tired of doing, deserves its share of love. Next time you do a job, try to impress yourself. Its not going to be easy, but you’ll love it if you can do so. For me, everyday I go to job, I feel scared that am losing my charm of what I am good at. The love towards that charm, that beholds in the eyes of my colleagues around keeps me driving. And keeps you driving. And a million others like us keeps the world driving. Want to see a better tomorrow? You know what to do next :)
This time, hold your spouse a little more closer tonight. Tell your children that they are the best things you own. Cook a meal thinking that your dependants love the way you cook and are ready to kill for that meal! Wear that dress saying “am going to drive him/her nuts today”. Go to

Once you start living this life…..its OK to be scared that you are running out of time :) Your realization of every day being precious starts pouring in. There is too little time to be scared about, there is too little time to love enough, to share all that love that your heart beholds…..its endless, its seamless, it knows no limits! Open up. Share your scares with your loved ones and take an oath to make things better. Take things as they come and live it up. Let heaven applaud your efforts when you go up there :) Are you scared now? I hear you say NO! Good! :D
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